Jasper Morrison’s Superloon lamp for Flos features a flat disc lighting system, that rotates 360º offering optimal ambient luminosity. Curious? Keep scrolling with us and find out everything you need to know about this modern floor lamp!
Similar to its galactic counterpart, ‘Superloon’ provides a warm glow, with an intensity and temperature that can be adjusted through a dimming mechanism that is activated through the optical sensor placed on one of its three supporting stems.
‘A couple of years ago piero gandini showed me a new led technology which consists of a ring of LEDs that send light sideways into the edge of a flat composite disc of translucent white material which, when lit, appears to be a flat white disc. ‘Superloon’ is the answer to the question of what to do with this intriguing technology. Mounting the disc on a gyroscopic axis allows the light to be directed in infinite directions, while the light it gives out is broad and diffused but can be dimmed to a soft glow.’ – Jasper Morrison on the design of ‘Superloon’
The design is defined by a flat disc lighting component. The formal and functional influences of ‘Superloon’ come from the moon.
This is a full view of ‘superloon’ supported by a tripod of stems.
All in all, this floor lamp represents everything that is innovative and unique, don’t you think?
Image © designboom
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