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100% Design Showcases These Modern Floor Lamps!

As we mentioned in our Maison et Objet article, September is a month packed with design events that will attract every single design lover. Besides Maison et Objet in Paris, the United Kingdom is also having a design fair that is during their design week, 100% Design.


SEE ALSO: Floor Lamps For Luxurious Bathrooms By Floor Samples!


100% Design

During London Design Week, 100% Design is one of the highlights each year in London in the local, and, international design industry. 100% Design starts on the 18th and ends in on the 21st of September. DelightFULL will be presenting some of their classic pieces, while also showcasing some of their novelties.

Visite DelightFULL and Essential Home’s stand C3A at 100% Design.



100% Design

Inspired by the late Miles Davis, this mid-century contemporary floor lamp features a clean and sophisticated design, that brings that classy and elegant theme from the 50s. A floor lighting piece that is deeply rooted in the mid-century era.

100% Design

The Miles floor lamp is a handmade and customizable mid-century piece can be an essential element to any modern living room that is looking for a piece that brings that elegant and sophisticated design, while also being a beautiful tribute to one the of most important influencers of the 20th century.

100% Design

Turner floor lamp is of DelightFULL’s most luxurious and customizable floor lamps. Turner collection is inspired by the one and only Tina Turner. Representing luxury and the mid-century Los Angeles style that few can mimic.

100% Design

You just can’t go wrong with the Turner floor lamp. A lighting piece that goes along with any mid-century modern décor.

100% Design

A stunning piece that features some of DelightFULL’s artisan’s greatest works. With detailed construction and high-quality craftsmanship, the Janis floor lamp features a clean and all-brass build that can be easily customizable.

100% Design

A luxurious and stylish piece that will look wonderful in any living room looking for a piece that can be a flashy, yet, luxurious piece that decorates your living room.

READ MORE: Enter In The Jazzy World Of Simone Floor Lamp!

What do you think? Did you enjoy our article on 100% Design and Modern Floor Lamps? Let us know your thoughts and leave a comment. You can discover more inspiration about interior and lighting design in the other articles on modern floor lamps.

Floor Samples
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