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Floor Samples Gives You Sleek and Versatile Floor Lamps!

Today we are going to talk about our standard Monday category of Floor Samples. In today’s edition, we will be taking a look at sleek and versatile floor lamps that are going to grab your attention.

Matheny Floor Lamp

floor samples

Matheny floor lamp is our first-floor lighting piece featured in our article. Floor Samples has two Matheny floor lamps, so be sure to get the chance to order yourself one of these. With a sleek and luxurious design, Matheny is the perfect representation of the luxurious mid-century design.

floor samples

With an all-brass design, this handmade and customizable piece features some of DelightFULL’s most luxurious, yet humble designs. Perfect for any living room that is looking for a lighting piece that can bring that luxurious taste.

Matheny floor lamp is available at Floor Samples here.

Turner Floor Lamp

floor samples

DelightFULL’s Turner floor lamp is a fantastic modern lighting piece that embodies the mid-century style in the most stylish fashion. Turner floor lamp represents a beautiful blend of two distinct styles, classic mid-century design with the art déco.

Turner floor lamp has five large arcs handmade in brass, with an all-brass body, and an all-aluminum shade, customization is inevitable with this piece. You just can’t go wrong with the Turner floor lamp. A lighting piece that goes along with any mid-century modern décor.

Turner floor lamp is available here.

Coltrane Floor Lamp

Coltrane floor lamp embodies the mid-century modern design philosophy. The Coltrane collection is now one of DelightFULL’s unique and trademark collections, always a highlight at any event or fair that DelightFULL attends.

Perfect for any Scandinavian or Industrial modern home looking for a more sophisticated piece that still maintains the minimalist design philosophy.

Coltrane floor lamp is available here.

READ MORE: Enter In The Jazzy World Of Simone Floor Lamp!

What do you think? Do you prefer other lamps? Let us know your thoughts and leave a comment. You can discover more inspiration about interior and lighting design in the other articles on modern floor lamps.

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