Today we are going to show you an interior design project from Diego Revollo in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The project is a loft-style apartment that features stunning lighting designs, however, the one which has really caught our eye was the arc floor lamp that gives a dazzling touch to the industrial loft.
This 100 square meter loft is located in the southern part of Sao Paulo was designed for a bachelor. The project has the perfect mix of modernity and comfort, giving the residence an industrial feeling, a unique style.
“The choice for just one kind of covering for the walls and the roof of the whole apartment provided more uniformity to the area, creating a single box.” said the designer. “With the goal of reaching the balance between rustic and industrial characteristics and warm and comfortable sensation, burned cement was chosen as the main covering.”
Ideal for big lofts and artist studios, Diana industrial floor lamp will give inspiration to any setting.
Photo © Cool Houses
In this project the main element was integration, so he used one material to cover walls and roof, creating a single box. The exposed brick walls give a New York loft touch to this apartment.
“The contemporaneity present in this project goes beyond of his structure, being also strongly presented in the ornamental elements. Each detail was especially thought to accentuate the characteristics of this kind of apartment remitting them to the sheds of New York.” said the designer.
The color palette is neutral, where the use of black and gray dominate, with a masculine feel but not ultra-manly.
All in all, this loft-style apartment is definitely one of our favorites of all time. With a contemporary touch, all the elements fit perfectly together.
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