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10 tripod floor lamps to your home designs

Standing Lamps doesn’t need to be a boring lighting piece, you can choose tripod floor lamps, for instance, that have a little bit more of personality, let’s say this way.

Depending on the material they are made of,  floor lamps can transform the entire room. Brass details are the most used in the most iconic mid-century modern floor lamps as well as in the ones that are created nowadays. We have a selection of tripod standing lamps that with or without brass, will make you fall in love immediately. Wanna bet?

Enjoy the article and feel free to add all the images to your favorite mood board.


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10 tripod floor lamps to your home designs Jackson Floor Lamp delightfull

Remember the unique way Michael Jackson used to place his hat and his incredible dance moves? Jackson standing lamp embodies all these key moments. A unique piece of design which combines luxurious finishes and exposed mechanical elements mixed with rhythm. By DelightFULL.


10 tripod floor lamps to your home designs 10 MODERN BLACK FLOOR LAMPS

Evans Lamp, by DelightFULL, has three diffusers, each one adjustable in direction. Its structure is handmade in brass and the lampshades in aluminum.

10 Golden modern floor lamps lambert et fils

Lambert et Fils design

10 Golden modern floor lamps Lambert et Fils, GRUE FLOOR

Lambert et Fils, Grue Floor Lamp

10 Golden modern floor lamps CLIFF-TRIPOD FLOOR LAMP

Cliff Lamp by Lambert et Fils

Gräshoppa floor lamp by Greta Magnusson Grossman for GUBI

Gräshoppa floor lamp by Greta Magnusson Grossman for GUBI

10 tripod floor lamps to your home designs Radon floor lamp by Lightyears

Radon floor lamp by Lightyears

Images Source: Pinterest

Hope you liked. Feel free to pin the images to your favorite interior design board. And don’t forget to explore our Pinterest boards for more Floor Lamps ideas and inspiration.

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